czwartek, 30 listopada 2006

The Seattle Times: Nation & World: European probe yields details of secret CIA flights: "Details of the flights and testimony from airport employees constitute 'serious circumstantial evidence' that Szymany was the transfer point for a nearby secret prison run by the CIA, according to a report released Tuesday by the European Parliament committee.
John Bellinger, legal adviser to Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, called the report 'hysterical in its hyperbole.' He said the panel was leaping to conclusions about the missions of the CIA flights.
The CIA declined to comment Tuesday. The Polish government repeatedly has denied allowing the CIA to operate a prison on its soil.
The panel said it had found records of 1,245 CIA-operated flights landing at European airports or passing through European airspace, though it found evidence of only a handful of cases in which prisoners were transported.
The committee said it suspected that the prison held captured al-Qaida leaders and that it was housed in a nearby Polish intelligence training center at Stare Kiejkuty.

The European Parliament accused Poland of blocking the probe, saying high-ranking officials refused to meet with the panel. It also accused Polish officials of withholding or destroying flight logs pertaining to CIA flights at Szymany and other airports."

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