sobota, 14 maja 2011

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powstałe nie z naszej winy

Known Issues for Blogger: "Sunday, July 26, 2009

Searching from the navbar is currently returning incomplete data for some users. We're investigating our search functionality and will hopefully have a fix out shortly.

As a workaround, you can use search operators on to search for content specifically on your blog. For example: KEYWORD KEYWORD

Update, 1/22: Thanks to everyone for all the detailed reports on the gaps in our search coverage. Both the Blogger and BlogSearch teams are working now on completing a full resolution of the issue, and we anticipate it will be fixed in the next several weeks.

Update, 3/28: This is now resolved. Thanks for your patience.

Update, 4/25: We've recently identified a few different cases where search results aren't displaying accurate information. We're re-opening this issue and will update this post as soon as we have more info to share.

Labels: navbar, outstanding, search"

Więcej pokrzywdzonych:

via on 5/14/11
pan Tarej:

obczyzna w tarapatach

Navbar Search not working? Help us fix it. Report abuse

Google Employee
The Blogger Team
Hey folks,

We've been troubleshooting failed navbar search results for a while now, and we realize that it is still a problem for a good number of you. The best next step is for us to gather a lot of search data, and debug from there.

So if you are seeing failed search terms for words that you *know* should appear in search results, please fill out this form with that information. We really appreciate your help and patience as we work to sort this out.


Komputer Świat (komunikaty prasowe)

Google prezentuje Chromebooki. My pytamy, czy to ma sens?
Komputer Świat (komunikaty prasowe)
Pamięć masowa, to 16 GB dysk SSD, do tego dochodzi czytnik kart pamięci 4-in-1. Jeśli chodzi o interfejsy - bez rewelacji 2xUSB 2.0 i HDMI. Chromebook oferuje 1,3 Mpx kamerę Acer Crystal Eye. Cena? Niestety nie jest tanio. Google wyceniło mniejszego ...

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