Domenę kupiłem dla siebie i dla przyjaciół |
Ostatni dzwonek na naprawę aparycji i funkcjonalności poprawczaka wybił w pierwszym półroczu Anno Domini 2011 - teraz to już musztarda po obiedzie o 3 lata za późno.
A man from Mars can\'t figure out what your website is about in less than four seconds.
A long web page means you have failed to organize your site properly — probably a combination of not planning your site and poor pomocą Biggest Mistakes in Web Design 1995-2015 - from Web Pages That Suck where you learn good web design.
93 The important content does not fit in the first screen.
za pomocą Does my website suck? A list of 165 web design mistakes.
85 We understand how our site's navigation works so everybody else probably understands how it works. 66 We created our site's navigational system to meet our needs, not our visitors' needs. 61 A site's navigation should tell you where you are, where you're going to go, and how to get back to the home page. Our site's navigation doesn't.
In the world of web design, we can see other people\'s mistakes, but not our own, because we\'re too close and too familiar with our own pages. We can use our critical eye on another site, but our critical eye goes blind on our own site.
za pomocą Web Redesign Checklist Part One from Web Pages That Suck - learn good web design by looking at bad web design.
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OdpowiedzUsuńObibok na własny koszt: Wrzaski z niewiedzy autorstwa @jazgdyni - dwie wersje z SUCZKAMI