czwartek, 1 października 2009

Internauta donosi do USA na polskiego reżysera « Wirtualna Solna k/Sztokholmu - palanty jak zwykle "zapomniały" przylinkować.
Sporo wpisów ginie po paru minutach wzorem sondażu dziennika, więc konotuję z kronikarskiego obowiązku. Kowalski dostał pod choinkę buty o numer za małe. Polemista red. Leski cichaczem ulotnił się z dyskusji o Polańskim.
Agnieszka Warnke Praktykant ściemnia, bo Kataryna milczy. Czarnecki vel "karta wędkarska" wybrany dziś w Brukselu na przewodniczącego jakiejś tam podkomisji od spraw uprawy kartofli w Ost Bloku.

Realtime results for #Polanski

1 more tweet since you started searching. Click to see it.
  1. Default_profile_5_normal LookinGoodVern RT @ScuntNews Untertainment | Polanski Likes Children More Than Jail | #polanski less than a minute ago from web
  2. _todd_avatar_nose-mouth_normal toddprouty RT @plasticmind: Imagine #Polanski as a Cath. Priest. Now what would you say about him pleading guilty to child rape & fleeing the country? 4 minutes ago from Tweetie
  3. --_222_normal FreeBEEz Durand veut "ns faire revivre l'ensemble des faits de l'affaire #Polanski" ....#objetduscandale 5 minutes ago from web
  4. Westsideconservative_normal RepublicanInLA Glad Whoopi "clarified" her comments. Now she shld go read the transcripts & explain how ths wasn't rape. He pled 2 lesser charge. #polanski 11 minutes ago from TweetDeck
  5. Scunttwiticon_normal ScuntNews Untertainment | Polanski Likes Children More Than Jail | #polanski 14 minutes ago from TweetDeck
  6. Catain_wazowski_normal onetireddad RT @dominionpundit: BREAKING: Retired prosecutor LIED in HBO vid about #Polanski. #tcot #ocra 15 minutes ago from TweetDeck
  7. Llokkk polytikz Send Roman Polanski to jail!!! Any crime that heinous should be punishable by death!!! Save Our Country's Morals!!! #polanski 15 minutes ago from API
  8. Cybertyx_normal CyberSDF Je trouve qu'on ne buzz pas assez sur le parallèle osé de @Maitre_Eolas sur !hadopi et #Polanski (tient aussi en i) 19 minutes ago from Identica
  9. Scan0001_normal SusanHW RT @dominionpundit: RT @kirstiealley If I CAUGHT sum1 raping MY daughter.."Justice" wld come in the form of a 45. #tcot #ocra #2nd #polanski 20 minutes ago from TweetDeck
  10. Denmark-flag_normal dominionpundit BREAKING: Retired prosecutor LIED in HBO vid about #Polanski. #tcot #ocra 23 minutes ago from web
  11. Denmark-flag_normal dominionpundit RT @kirstiealley If I CAUGHT someone raping MY daughter.."Justice" would come in the form of a 45. #tcot #ocra #2nd #polanski 29 minutes ago from web
  12. Graham_young_13_06_08_normal GrahamY French director Luc Besson "...nobody should be above the law" #polanski 29 minutes ago from TweetDeck
  13. Twitterpic_normal abqcruzn It's tough when someone you've admired does something heinous. Doesn't make it okay, though. Doesn't mean he should get a pass #Polanski 37 minutes ago from web
  14. P1050787_normal Sass_Me Hey, #Polanski defenders, THERE IS NO justification for adult CRIMES against a CHILD. NONE. Doing so equals POOR moral character. #p2 #tcot 38 minutes ago from TweetDeck
  15. Z_normal zcatalan & government officials defend rapers too #polanski 38 minutes ago from Tweetie
  16. Jensavatar3_normal jenlea84 RT @Wolfrum Sign the petition so I can commit crimes and keep blogging. I promise not to rape children #polanski #p2 39 minutes ago from web
  17. Img_1972_normal sherriwilson RT @Wolfrum: Sign Petition! I am far too good a blogger to have to deal with things like laws. #fem2 #satire #polanski 40 minutes ago from TweetDeck
  18. Images2222_normal ErykMistewicz Sondage Pologne SMGKRC/Fakty 34% #Polanski au prison, 59% #Polanski libre, 7 sans opinion 44 minutes ago from web
  19. Nf2_normal NewsFrance Roman Polanski's own lawyers may have prompted his arrest - Telegraph #france #news #polanski about 1 hour ago from HootSuite
  20. Wkw_normal Wolfrum Sign the petition so I can commit crimes and keep blogging. Remember, I promise not to rape children #polanski #p2 about 1 hour ago from web

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