Editorial & Opinion Talk #2763.19:
"''Since Poland is facing serious resistance in its plot to milk cash from the EU, it is trying to play it against the U.S. and vice-versa. If it continues to play its card tricks so poorly, it may yet again be left alone in the middle. ''
I think you're right about that. There is a perception in Europe that America is run by a stupid cowboy and everybody thinks they know how to play him. I think Poland will be very dissapointed if it thinks it's going to get all it wants. As for the EU, I don't know why Europe wants enlargement at all. Especially at this time. Unless they have some anti-American plans it doesn't make sense to me at all. I am of German heritage and everytime I visit Germany, my family or friends have no answers as to why the EU wants to get bigger. But they trust their government, so they're voting for it. One thing they're afraid of are the thieves from Eastern Europe who are readying to outnumber their home-grown."
plot to milk cash from the EU
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