środa, 15 lutego 2006

Gazeta.pl : Forum : Polonia:

"The Spectator 23-03-2002

Slippery Pole
Poland�s new premier is a repressive ex-communist.
Anne Applebaum wonders why Tony Blair is his new best friend.

In elections held last September, the people of Poland chose a man named
Leszek Miller to be their prime minister. After this happened, I sat back and
waited for the reaction in Western Europe. I waited, and I waited. Nothing

Then, at last, the reaction came. Last week, Prime Minister Tony Blair of Great
Britain and Prime Minister Leszek Miller of Poland published a joint article in
Rzeczpospolita, Poland�s newspaper of record. �The need to strengthen the
democratic legitimacy of the European Union has been under discussion for a
very long time,� this unusually opaque piece of writing began. It then
continued, with much talk of �public participation� in European institutions,
many rhetorical questions (�Why do Europeans need the European Union?�) � and,
well, you can imagine the rest.

I had, it is true, heard rumours of the new, close relationship between Mr
Blair and Mr Miller. During the Polish Prime Minister�s first visit to London,
the two supposedly spent three hours bonding in Downing Street. Up to a point,
this is as it should be. "

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