to attend weddings, funerals, and other special occasions
For Immediate Release February 10, 2005
Contact: Christine Shott 202-224-0610
Santorum Re-Introduces Polish Visa Waiver Act
Washington, DC - Senator Rick Santorum (R-PA), Chairman of the Senate Republican Conference, today announced the re-introduction of the Polish Visa Waiver Act in the 109th Congress.
The Polish Visa Waiver Act designates Poland as a program country under the visa waiver program established under Section 217 of the Immigration and Nationality Act. Senator Santorum introduced similar legislation during the 108th Congress.
“There are nearly nine million Americans of Polish ancestry currently living in the United States. If passed, this legislation will make it easier for friends and families of Polish Americans to travel to the United States, and I am hopeful that this time we can gain solid bi-partisan support in the Senate to strengthen ties with Poland as a staunch twenty-first century ally to the United States,” said Senator Santorum. “I was disappointed that during the 108th Congress, despite overwhelming bipartisan support, we could not unanimously pass this legislation because of Democratic obstruction from within the Senate.”
The Secretary of Homeland Security and the Secretary of State administers the visa waiver program, which allows citizens from 27 countries, including France and Germany, to visit the United States as tourists without visas. There are nearly 825,000 Americans of Polish ancestry currently living in Pennsylvania. This program would allow the families of Polish Americans to travel to the United States to attend weddings, funerals, and other special occasions without the delay of waiting for a visa.
Senator Barbara Mikulski (D-MD) is an original cosponsor of this legislation.
Santorum Re-Introduces Polish Visa Waiver Act
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