środa, 12 grudnia 2007

"Fears that the Polish workers will settle in the Netherlands permanently are unfounded. The number of Poles who start their own company here may have increased, but the vast majority only work here for a few months. Migration and Integration Studies Professor Han Entzinger does not view the Poles as the new Turks or Moroccans, but compares them to the Spanish and Portuguese workers of the 1960s and 1970s, all of whom eventually returned home.

Malgorzata Bos, editor-in-chief of the website Polonia.NL, also subscribes to the so-called factor-4 rule of thumb. This economic principle states that people will go looking for work abroad as soon as the wage level there is four times higher compared to their own country, but return home as soon as the difference is reduced. "

The ''Polish problem' will resolve itself - Radio Netherlands Worldwide - English

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