The Polish Round Table, Ten Years Later.: "it was pointed out that only Kaczynski and Mazowiecki participated in each and every meeting in Magdalenka. So now, ladies and gentlemen, you have a genuine insider in front of you. Lech Kaczynski played a very important role, that's in relation to the 'insider' idea, in the talks with the ZSL (United Peasant Party) and SD (Democratic Party), which after the June 1989 elections, resulted in the reversal of the existing alliances and, ultimately, in creating Tadeusz Mazowiecki's government. He was a vice-chairman of Solidarity in the period of 1989-91, and then, he was a Minister of State in the cabinet of President Lech Walesa. Lech Kaczynski, together with his brother, Jaroslaw, merited this rather biting joke in certain circles in Warsaw. They were called 'those two thieves that managed to steal Walesa,' because in some period of time, they were really close collaborators of him. "
those two thieves that managed to steal Walesa
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